The next Belconnen Community Council public meeting will be held at the Belconnen Library Community Room on July 19 at 7.00PM.

All are welcome.

Following recent NCA planning changes there are questions about the future of the CSIRO Ginninderra field site, and how it will affect Belconnen residents. CSIRO representatives will talk with the Belconnen community about these changes and provide an  opportunity for the public to ask questions about them.

Daniel Iglesias, Director of ACT Parks and Conservation Service, and Dr Jason Cummings, General Manager of the Woodland and Wetlands Trust will talk about quolls, where they have been seen, how they are managed, and other interesting things the Parks Service is doing. The quoll population in Canberra is growing with the reintroduction of eastern quolls at the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary. Spotted tail quolls have recently been seen in Charnwood and Holt indicating that they are returning to the ecosystem.

There will also be an update on Belco50 events and activities

The BCC are seeking a new Committee member. If you have an interest in community issues and are an eligible BCC member, please consider nominating. Email [email protected]u for further information.


7.00PM – Apologies

7.05PM – Chairs report

7.15PM – CSIRO on the Ginninderra Field Site

8.00PM – ACT Parks and Conservation Service on Quolls

8.45PM – Other Business

9.00PM – Meeting Closed

Facebook pages: Belconnen Community Council and Belco50

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