The community has been very vocal in supporting the retention of public open space behind Kippax Fair, and not happy that it could be turned into a shopping centre.

Submissions to the ACT Government on this Draft Variation close Friday June 28th. You can email your submission to

The BCC presented a draft of our submission at the June 18th BCC Public Meeting. That draft is available here:

If you are making a submission it may assist the assessors if in addition to opposing the loss of public open space, that you suggest an alternative. That may include:

  • using Block 89 for the expanded retail space instead of Block 51 (The playing fields behind Kippax Fair)
  • ensuring that community facilities that are going to be removed are replaced on a like for like basis
  • that any loss of public open space from Kippax, is made up with new community zoned space in West Belconnen

The Belconnen Community Council are working hard to achieve the best outcome from this process, and although DV361 and the Kippax Masterplan have not met community expectations, with a poor community return compared to the massive commercial benefit, the strong community response has not gone unnoticed by the ACT Government. A better result can occur if the community demands it.